What is Syllabus of Internet of Things ?
- Introduction to IoT
- Understand various IoT Applications, architecture, protocols, etc.
- Understand the characteristics of IoT devices
- Know about Physical Design/Logical Design, Functional blocks of IoT and Communication Models.
- Applications/ devices, protocols, communication model
2. Things and Connections
- Closed loop/ feedback loop system.
- The use of sensors, actuators and controllers in the IoT process flow.
- TCP/IP Versus OSI models.
- Wired and wireless connectivities.
3. Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers
- The role of Sensors, transducers in measuring physical quantities
- Working and characteristics of actuators
- Role and use of microcontroller in building various electronic devices
4. Building IoT Applications
- Working of microcontroller and hardware prototyping Arduino platform
- The role of ‘C’ language in building IoT applications
- Built-in Data-type, operators-expressions
- Conditional statements and loops
- Arrays, functions
- Digital, analog pins of Arduino
- Interfacing sensors, actuator
- Using Ardublock GUI tool
5. Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem
- Need of security in IoT
- Various basic concept of security
- Security levels
- Need of powerful CPU for Future IoT eco system
6. Soft skills Personality Development
- Role of positive personality and determinants of personality
- Self-esteem
- Communication and writing skills
Iot -Internet of Things Detailed Syllabus
(i) Introduction to Internet of Things – applications/devices,
protocols, communication model
Introduction - Overview of Internet of Things(IoT), the characteristics of
devices and applications in IoT ecosystem, building blocks of IoT, Various
technologies making up IoT ecosystem, IoT levels, IoT design methodology,
The Physical Design/Logical Design of IoT, Functional blocks of IoT and
Communication Models.
(ii)Things and Connections
Working of Controlled Systems, Real-time systems with feedback loop e.g.
thermostat in refrigrator, AC, etc. Connectivity models – TCPIP versus OSI
model, different type of modes using wired and wireless methodology, The
process flow of an IoT application.
(iii)Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers
Sensor - Measuring physical quantities in digital world e.g. light sensor,
moisture sensor, temperature sensor, etc.
Actuator – moving or controlling system e.g. DC motor, different type of
Controller – Role of microcontroller as gateway to interfacing sensors and
actuators, microcontroller vs microprocessor, different type of microcontrollers
in embedded ecosystem.
(iv)Building IoT applications
Introduction to Arduino IDE – writing code in sketch, compiling-debugging,
uploading the file to Arduino board, role of serial monitor.
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