What is Macro in MS Word? And Use of Macro Concept |Exam notes


What is Macro in MS Word? And Use of Macro Concept. 

In Microsoft Office Word 2007, you can create tasks by creating macros. A macro is a series of commands and instructions that you group together as a single command to accomplish a task automatically.
It help to Record All type of software activities like size, font, color, border etc.
Uses for macros:
ØTo speed up routine editing and formatting .
ØTo combine multiple commands — for example, to insert a table with a specific size and borders, and with a specific number of rows and columns .
ØTo make an option in a dialog box more accessible.
ØTo automate a complex series of tasks.
Step to Create Macro:
Click on view Menu ->  Macro ->   Record Macro ->  Appeared a Dialogue box  -> Write the Macro Name without Space or Use of Underscore(_)  -> Click on Create Buttons.
Fig. of Macro
